Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Victimology: Canadians in Context
Oxford University Press |
Books |
1 |
The Trials of Radclyffe Hall
Random House, Inc. |
Books |
1 |
Moving Beyond Words
Simon & Schuster |
Books |
1 |
Wellness Activities for Youth, vol 1
Whole Person Associates |
Books |
1 |
Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School
Harvard University Press |
Books |
1 |
Sexism: The male monopoly on history and thought
Farrar Straus Giroux |
Books |
1 |
Women's Pictures: Feminism and Cinema
Verso |
Books |
1 |
Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth
Bloomsbury |
Books |
1 |
A Simple Plan
Vintage |
Books |
1 |
Alternatives in Education: Critical Pedagogy for Disaffected Youth
Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers |
Books |
1 |